Monday 28 March 2011

AlertPay - My way To PAY!!,是一间2004建立的私有公司,能够让用户通过电子邮件地址.有效,安全地发款收款其总部位于加拿大Montreal,Alertpay可以向全世界的人民提供服务
Alertpay是由他的母公司Corporate Wealth Management Inc (CWM INC)建立的(注意ALERTPAY有后台的哦) 是线下支付交易到线上支付交易的一步转移CWM INC 2001年开始就开始从事于B2B,B2C的自动交易系统.到目前为止产生了一千五百万美元的利润客户主要为美国和加拿大人,所以线下交易到线上交易成为了一种自然的选择,因为这样可以更大的扩大我们的客源.
AlertPay网上支付系统为你在因特网上的交易提供一种安全保密的方法, 而不需要让你把自己的银行帐号或信用卡资料提供给任何人


AlertPay is an online payment business that is privately owned and operated. AlterPay’s online payment system provides companies and individuals with the ability to pay and receive payments entirely online, allowing for rapid transfer of funds. AlertPay users have the capability to transfer funds without making public any financial or personal information about themselves, the recipient, or the transaction.

AlertPay is registered as an official corporation in both the United States and Canada, and complies with all of the various regulations and procedures of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions of Canada, Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, and Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Founded in 2004, AlertPay now employs 45+ full time staff. AlertPay is based out of Montreal, Quebec and as of August of 2008, approximately 2.1 million accounts were registered on their system. This impressive number stems from AlertPay’s reliability and versatility: they support twenty-two currencies and support transactions in two-hundred-and-six countries worldwide.

For Registration,kindly click on address below:  


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